Friday, September 9, 2011

“The stable wears out a horse more than the road”

Have you ever been so passionate about being something, someone, or somewhere? 

My passion is to go to Graduate School to help children with language disorders in the Bay Area so I can be close to my family since I haven't been around them the past 4 years.

I am not a failure, but today I became one.
Throughout my years of remembering, I have always achieved my goals, wishes, and ambitions.  I made every team I have ever tried out for, I was accepted to the college I wanted to go to, I got into the top sorority, and was accepted into the CMSD program here at Chico State.  Currently, I am a Communication Science and Disorders Major, which is one of the hardest and most valued majors at my school along with Psychology. My major is specific; you can become either a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) or an Audiologist.  I wanted to become an SLP and work with children who have language and speech disorders, but that all changed today.
A well-known professor from my major came into my class today to talk about Graduate School. In order to become an SLP, you have to go to Grad. School or else you’re just an assistant with a Bachelor’s Degree who makes roughly 25% of what SLP’s make. She told us that if you want to get into the grad program, you’re probably going to have to look elsewhere than the Western part of the U.S. because all Western schools are increasingly impacted and that in order to get in, you’re going to need a 3.9 or higher. I don’t have a 3.9 GPA nor am I close.  I have never failed a class or have even gotten a C+. Yes, I have always tried my hardest, but I guess my hardest wasn’t good enough.

So it’s either off to Louisiana, earn a salary of $50,000 a year or pick a new major.
  I honestly don’t know what to do...

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