Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Lucas is finally 2 months old. He's developing his facial features of what he's going to look like and does he have a little attitude..Looks like he's gonna be the new bully around the black top.. Watch out, infants! 

 WhAtChYu WaNt bEtcH?

Meet the SF Giants number one Fan

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11/01

Today is a day of time where every one wishes never happened. Relatives were lost, policemen and firemen became heros, and war started. As I'm watching the coverage of what happened 10 years ago today, I could not help but to think about my experience on September 11th.

I woke up at 7am on Tuesday getting ready for one of my first days of 6th grade. My house phone was ringing and I went to pick it up, "Alexandra, get your mother and turn on the news, right now!" It was my dad sounding paniced. I turned on the news and all I saw were clouds of fog dominating Manhattan and a huge building with the top on fire. I didn't get what was going on and I became dramatic and started screaming unaware what the news was telling me. My mom runs downstairs, jaw wide open with her hands over her mouth, and I woke up my brother and sister thinking that this is a huge deal.
As my family was sitting silent watching the news, we all witnessed the last twin tower collapsing. My sister was in tears because all she could think about was if her best buddy, Joey, was alright since he was living in New York.
"This is war, this is a declaration of war.", The newsman calmly said.
Terrorists attacks? Hijacking planes? WAR? I've only read about war in the history books, I would have never thought I would witness history like I did that day. I would have never thought I would be in a time of war. From what I remembered in our U.S. History books, once boy became 18, he became man and got deployed into the Army. I looked at my brother and started balling. "Stevie, I don't want you to go to the army, I don't want you to leave."
I asked my mom if I didn't have to go to school, she looked at me and laughed and said sarcastically, "Oh, I'm sure, Alexandra."

I walked up to the middle blacktop of my elementary school at St. Roberts and the whole school was quiet. I've never seen all 365, K-8, kids this quiet before. I find my  best friend Chessie, freaked out because her brother, Joey, Nicole's best buddy too, is in New York.
8AM bell rang and my school all recited The Rosary, The Pledge of Allegiance, and God Bless America. We walk into our 6th grade classroom and Mr. Carey had the news on. We all just sat down and watched. I remember him saying, "You guys right now, are witnessing history. This will be going into your History books and your children will be reading this."
About an hour or two into class, the P.A. system came on, "Alexandra Orloff and Jacqueline Nevarez, please come to the office with your packed backpacks." Aw, WHAT? I never get in trouble, what the hell did Jackie and I do? I walk into the office, and my mom is arguing with our principal, Mrs. Bordin. She was telling her how our school needs to be evacuated because the Golden Gate Bridge is their next target. Our school is roughly 5 minutes away from the city, and I was now in panic. My mom took Jackie and me back home and we decided to lay on my trampoline and watch the sky for any airplanes. Every airplane we saw was a military plane. There's a military base right around the corner from my house and I figured that's where they were leaving from and the SFO airport was right down the street from my house. I have never seen the sky without domestic airplanes, just military planes flying over my house in groups.

So today, I will pray for all who have lost their loved ones that day, I will pray for every person who have lost their loved ones in war, and I will pray that one day war will finally be over.

Friday, September 9, 2011

“The stable wears out a horse more than the road”

Have you ever been so passionate about being something, someone, or somewhere? 

My passion is to go to Graduate School to help children with language disorders in the Bay Area so I can be close to my family since I haven't been around them the past 4 years.

I am not a failure, but today I became one.
Throughout my years of remembering, I have always achieved my goals, wishes, and ambitions.  I made every team I have ever tried out for, I was accepted to the college I wanted to go to, I got into the top sorority, and was accepted into the CMSD program here at Chico State.  Currently, I am a Communication Science and Disorders Major, which is one of the hardest and most valued majors at my school along with Psychology. My major is specific; you can become either a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) or an Audiologist.  I wanted to become an SLP and work with children who have language and speech disorders, but that all changed today.
A well-known professor from my major came into my class today to talk about Graduate School. In order to become an SLP, you have to go to Grad. School or else you’re just an assistant with a Bachelor’s Degree who makes roughly 25% of what SLP’s make. She told us that if you want to get into the grad program, you’re probably going to have to look elsewhere than the Western part of the U.S. because all Western schools are increasingly impacted and that in order to get in, you’re going to need a 3.9 or higher. I don’t have a 3.9 GPA nor am I close.  I have never failed a class or have even gotten a C+. Yes, I have always tried my hardest, but I guess my hardest wasn’t good enough.

So it’s either off to Louisiana, earn a salary of $50,000 a year or pick a new major.
  I honestly don’t know what to do...