Every day this summer, I have gone to this particular Starbucks before going to work and a man in his 60's is always outside on the corner reading a newspaper by himself. He looks homeless seeing that he has a huge backpack filled with blankets and is pretty disheveled. He has long white hair always up in a pony tail, amber dirty skin, and raggedy clothes draping over his body. Recently, him and I have been developing a more powerful greet every time we make eye contact. It started off first with a smile, then a head nod, and then the smirk with a wave, and finally today we had a "Hi, how are you?"
I have always wanted to buy this man a pastry or a crossiant from Starbucks, but I never had the courage to do so. So being that it was my last day going to Starbucks for the summer, I finally got the audacity to buy the man something. I ordered him a butter crossiant. Nervous as I always am, I walked out of the Coffee shop and handed him the crossiant with a smile on my face and said, "Have a good day!" He looked at me and laughed. Then proceeded to say, "I'm not poor."
Well, what do you know? The man is not poor and I completely made a jack ass out of myself. There goes my fearless attempt to show a nice gesture for someone, I thought, was less fortunate than I am.
Maybe this man is the guy that The Script sings about in the song, "The Man Who Can't Be Moved."
Guess you really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.
The Script-The Man Who Can't Be Moved
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