Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Take One:

10 reasons why people call me Prima Donna:

1.  My mother has told me that I am the most dramatic girl she has ever met.

2. Every one thinks my mother is hilarious and will copy everything she says.
For example: Her best friend Annie and my mother have a nickname, "Marge." Annie's older son made it up when he was little.
Exact words:  "All weirdos are marges"-Joey.
Ever since, Annie and my mother, Cathy, have been saying this name for all weird and outlandish women they see. Throughout the years, the name became more and more popular. Annie and Cathy named their adult softball team, "The Marges"; and later, a pee-wee softball team named themselves ,"The Little Marges." I shit you not, I have heard it on television shows and I can guarantee you it's all because of Joey, Annie,........and my mother.

Wow, I got off topic...

I tend to babble, so bare with me..

3. I barely wear the same outfit twice.

4. I talk about myself a lot.

5. I try to be the center of attention. (I have a REALLY loud voice..for this   reason).

6. I love hearing about drama (I'm a huge drama queen).

7. I over exaggerate EVERYTHING. Even if I tell a story and it has no meaning, I WILL TRY AND FIND A MEANING to make it a big deal.

8. I argue with almost everyone and always try to be right, even if I know I'm not.

9. I just asked my sister why she calls me a Donna.
   Her words, "Because you're annoying as eff."

10.To be honest, I'm in love with myself and I really don't care who knows it.

Yes, I just called myself out on a lot of negative qualities, but it makes me who I am. I may sound like a really annoying girl, I know, but my friends and family love me unconditionally. I mean come on, I'm a funny girl. Who wouldn't love me?

I may be a diva, I may be a drama queen, but I am THE Prima Donna.

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